Mitsugon-in Temple (密厳院)

Mitsugon-in Temple
Mitsugon-in Temple was the base of religious activities of Kakuban, who founded "Shingi Shingonshu" (New Shingon Sect of Buddhism) and was posthumously given the title of "Kogyo Daishi" (Great Priest of Prosperous Teachings).

Kakuban deplored the internal conflict seen in the corrupt Kongobu-ji Temple, so he implemented "mugon no gyo" (the discipline of not talking) for more than three years, and just after the discipline, he is said to have written at a stretch the well-known "Mitsugon-in Hotsuro Sange no Mon" (Religious Confession at Mitsugon-in Temple).

Mitsugon-in Temple is located along the way that runs from Ichinohashi to Okunoin (Ichinohashi and Okunoin are both on Mt. Koya, and Okunoin is the name of the place where the mausoleum of Kukai is situated).

The "Fudo Myoo" (Acala, one of the Five Wisdom Kings) which Kakuban worshipped as the main statue of Mitsugon-in Temple was crafted by Unkei, and it has ordinary eyes.

In 1184, two venerable statues of the Fudo Myoo were made as private Buddhist statues of Tokimasa HOJO. Today, one of them is enshrined in Ganjoju-in Temple in Nirayama, Izu City.

Another statue is enshrined secretly in the sanctum of Shincho-ji Temple on Mt. Tokei, situated in Tachikawa City, Tokyo Metropolis. Legend has it that the statue in Shincho-ji Temple was made by Unkei.

It has been said that the person who has this statue by Unkei can set up his own sect of Buddhism.

[Original Japanese]